Remarkables Residences Queenstown
The Logic team worked on some really cool bespoke items for the stylish new Remarkables Residences in Queenstown.
We fabricated a number of industrial look pieces of outdoor street furniture for the courtyard garden using raw steel and timber combined.
Two large custom made kidney shaped bench seats adorn the garden and are sheltered by a beautiful bespoke curved hardwood timber screen.
We also fabricated the steel letter boxes for each residence as well as the light bollards and a custom version of our Salou Timber Seats.
The kidney shaped bench seating, timber light bollards and letter boxes are all crafted from Macrocarpa timber and raw steel. The steel has been left in it's raw state and sealed with a sealant coating to create the industrial look.
Who wouldn't enjoy sitting in these gardens, with the Remarkables backdrop on a beautiful day?!
Architects | Baxter Design